Success Stories

“Working out for me, has always been a love/hate relationship. I would want to work out, but I would hate it throughout the whole process and when I was mentally low, I would cave and make unhealthy choices. I started to feel helpless and lost in trying to reach my goals. Having Tiff give me a meal plan and provide direction, gave me hope. I lost my routine amidst my insane work schedule and I needed balance and that's exactly what she gave me. During the first two weeks, there was small progress being made that I wasn't completely satisfied with, but Tiff's enthusiasm made me stop and look at it from her perspective. Her enthusiasm and concern for my well-being (both physically and mentally) was greatly appreciated and made me want to do well not just for her but for myself. One day, everything clicked and every day that I worked out, I felt a day closer to my goals. The difference with Tiff and the other trainers that I have had previously, is that she would allow me cheat days but would frame it in a way where I wouldn't feel guilty about cheating. "It's all about how you come back from it" is what she would say. That alone, may be a small phrase, but it reminded me of the past and how unhealthy my relationship with food and exercising would be. This whole journey with her truly helped me to mentally keep myself in check but in a loving way. I didn't punish myself with workouts until I wanted to faint or cry from my muscles being so sore during the workout. Tiff taught me to listen to my body and to love every step of the way of my journey - even on the days where I did the bare minimum. She would say, "but you did it!" and she is absolutely right. Tiff can be busy, but she will always give you her full attention and continue to cheer you on, making you feel like you are the only person she's taking care of. She was what I needed during this time and I am glad that I took her 8 week program because it not only pushed me physically (especially with those intense home and HIIT workouts) but mentally she reminded me that there's a better way to think about my relationship with working out and eating. Even now, nearly a month after ending her program, I am able to still make moves towards my goals even if I've made mistakes. I just shrug it off, adjust, and continue. So, thank you Tiff - thank you for believing in me even when I didn't believe in myself and for constantly cheering me on in the background.”

— Camille C.

“My 8 week program with Tiffany was amazing all the way through! There has never been someone to EVER motivate me the way Tiffany had throughout our 8 program together! When we started this journey together I thought to myself I could do this at home and not have to sign up for a gym membership. Little did I know, I for sure had to sign up somewhere. My confidence with the gym was zero to none because I just wasn’t comfortable with working out anymore and I had recently ended a long term relationship and I was just bleh. But with the amazing, heartfelt words and inspiration that Tiffany gives to her clients are what we all need to hold onto and keep pushing forward. She is kind, she is loving, and I am so thankful that she was and is still in my corner throughout this journey/lifetime. Staying on track with my diet was a struggle at the very beginning because I’m such a foodie, but who isn’t? lol. I never thought in a billion years that with a legit meal plan, intense gym workouts (home workouts) and Tiffany being an inspiration to me, that I was able to shred off so much of my unwanted body fat and had toned the body parts that we focused on most. Before Tiffany I wasn’t sure on how to lose the weight that I wanted to lose, didn’t know how to tone and I was never sure of what foods to eat. When I did my questionnaire and told her what foods I liked, disliked and that I was willing to try new things, BAM my meal plan was absolutely AMAZING. It was all clean, healthy and surprisingly really tasty. With this awesome program Tiffany has built, GBT is the REAL deal guys! She literally puts her ALL into what she loves and I am glad it's HER doing all of this amazing work and amazing transformations with all of the beautiful people I’ve seen this far! With YOU Tiff, I knew I could join your awesome program because with just a conversation, be it through text or in person you are just so dang HARDCORE and INSPIRING as hell!!! From your story that touched my entire soul, to really getting to know who Tiffany really is and for you to take the time getting to know your clients; dude I hope you know that you are nothing short of amazing! I not only gained a personal trainer, I gained an amazing, hardcore, loving friend. I am truly happy that I joined GBT because with you it showed me that I do have control over my bad habits, I CAN have a bomb a** body, I WILL gain my confidence back, feel GREAT about myself inside and out and gain all of this crazy energy. It was definitely life changing but it was well worth it! All the time and sweat with you in my corner has been the greatest time of all. I am forever grateful for YOU Tiff! Grateful for your pep talks, your motivation, your selflessness, your love, your outstanding humor lol and the amazing friendship we will always have. Keep being great babe, you are a freakin ROCKSTAR.”

— Melanie V.

“ I received so many compliments and have ditched a lot of my baggy clothes. I feel more energized and motivated than ever before. I just want to say thank you for making this so possible for me, I didn’t think it would ever happen. I am truly lucky that I took on this challenge and was trained by the best of the best. Your results speak for themselves and it was an amazing experience for me. I’ve learned a lot about myself along the way and MOST IMPORTANTLY, I learned how to be kind to myself and my body. I speak positive thoughts and no longer beat myself up on days I don’t feel 100%. It was a lot of mental work, especially on days I didn’t feel that great. I take pictures again and it’s nice to just love the skin I’m in. This is just the beginning for me but I wanted to just thank you for the work that you do, it must feel so rewarding and I applaud you for managing to balance your life and your #GBTfam as well. Keep helping others feel just as great as I am feeling right about now!!”

— Kiara R.

“My body has changed so much in these 12 weeks it’s literally left me speechless. I hit a plateau the end of last year and coming into the beginning of this year. Actually being able to eat real food that tastes amazing but still see results is so bomb! But what these 12 weeks have really taught me is how to be so much more patient with myself, and how to push myself for more no matter how unmotivated I was feeling. Most importantly it has taught me how to love myself and how to be kind to my body, Which is something I never could do. Thank you so much for being such and inspiration, and for your support and guidance 25/8. Having someone to help get me back on track that actually showed how much they actually cared is what made this experience so much better. I literally can’t thank you enough 🥺Thank you for taking me in and making me a part of the GBT family.”

— Ariana R.

“Over my 8 weeks I’ve learned that nothing is impossible if you don’t put your all into everything Tiffany was asking for. Not only she’s your trainer but she’s more like a friend where you can come to and ask her any types of questions or concerns you have. I would wake up before and I wasn’t happy about my weight at all, I would literally just have boiled eggs and vegetables all day thinking it was healthy. I now wake up and I truly enjoy all of my meals and I don’t have to starve. It’s not only about the scale but it’s about your body and how much difference you see, that’s what Tiffany taught me. Everyone at my house is eating like me and they’re just so surprised how healthy they are but so good at the same time. I would totally recommend Tiffany to be your trainer but also your friend if you’re looking to lose weight or even gain weight as well, you won’t be disappointed. Can’t be more thankful for this experience.”

— Alex S.

“Working out has improved my mental state so much. Prior to all of this I was a single mom, dealing with a heart break and finishing up my bachelors. It was a lot. Now, you have given me what I knew how I’d feel day by day. I’m healing as I’m falling more in love with myself daily, thank you so much. This was a journey that it won’t be over after these eight weeks, It’s really going to be a part of my lifestyle. Amazing how different I feel. Thank You!”

— D. Vega

“I 1000% recommend Gainsbytiff. I originally signed up with her to do her gym work outs & unfortunately due to the corona virus we had to switch to home workouts but nonetheless she freaking delivered & I got the results I was looking for. I put in all the work & got all the results because I trusted her to guide me through it. I had lost a drastic amount of weight a couple years ago & I had plateaued & no matter what I did, no matter how much I worked out. I also had a bad relationship with food, I would only eat once a day that’s it. She put my on a meal at first & I couldn’t follow it, I told her the first week we started our at home workouts & she switched it up for me & had it ready for me before the next day. After that it was history, I started meal prepping like a champ. I enjoyed all of my 5 meals, yes 5 whole meals. I went from eating once a day to eating 5 times a day. I couldn’t believe I could eat 5 times a day, lose weight & gain muscle all at once! I went from being boxy to finally getting curves I desired to have, & this was done all in 8 weeks. I’m grateful I stumble upon her Instagram & I’m happy I made the decision to go with her. At home or at the gym, I would put my body goals in her hands any day.”

— Milly O.

“TRUST HER AND YOUR LIFE WILL CHANGE! If you are questioning whether or not to start one of Tiff’s programs, I’m telling you right now DO IT! You will not regret it. In just 8 weeks, I lost 11 pounds and body fat. I toned up and felt stronger than ever. I was wondering if it could be possible especially when the gyms were closed. I couldn’t believe my eyes once I started following her meal plans and the exercises. For an online trainer, she kicked my butt. I was getting results faster without even being in the gym. I feel 1,000 times more confident. Tiff holds you accountable and motivates you but at the same time she is very caring! She is not your average trainer. You will sweat and feel the burn with her workouts but when you look at yourself in the mirror, you will never want to turn back. You’ll look in the mirror like “That’s me?” I sent people her way and now they are loving the changes they have made with Gains by Tiff. I strongly recommend her program! What are you waiting for?”

— Elaine

“My body looks so different! I can’t believe those pictures on the left used to be me! I’m so happy with where I’ve come so far. I pushed through because I had you there checking in on me and I couldn’t lose sight of what all this was for. Thanks for showing me that it really isn’t about the number on the scale. I feel so much stronger.

If you are anything like me and hesitant to take this step I want to start off by saying you literally have nothing to lose other than weight, if that’s your goal and a MILLION things to GAIN from this experience. I reached out to Tiff because I wanted to lose weight, tone up and feel strong again. Working with her I’ve accomplished all that and more. Most importantly I’m confident again. If what you are looking for is someone to keep you accountable, on track and motivated, Tiff is the way to go. She’s given me the tools to feel confident enough to continue the rest of this journey on my own because now I have knowledge. Can’t be more thankful for this experience. ”

— Stephanie R.